What is an "Exclusive Nuffnanger"??
How do I apply for the Nuffnang Glitterati club?
You do not need to apply, and will be automatically included as a Nuffnang Glitterati as long as you do NOT have any advertisements from, mentions of, or links to other ad networks originating from SEA, or any other ad networks we deem a competitors on your blog. Our crawlers will automatically include your blog in the club within 7 days.Note that if an advertisement from, or a link to a competing network is placed on your blog at any time, our crawlers will detect it within 4 days and you will automatically be removed from the club.
Why You Should Join The Nuffnang Glitterati Community
Payment Rates for both CPUV (Cost-Per-Unique-Visitor) and CPC (Cost-Per-Click) campaigns.
When it comes to blog advertising, less is always more! The lesser the ads a blogger has on his blog, the higher share of voice for each ad as it does not have to compete in a cluttered space. Hence, the higher the CTR(Click-Through-Ratio) and the higher the value of that particular ad space on the blog.
For example, you will never see 8 different ads on the same page on a newspaper unless it's in the Classifieds where each advertiser pays a small amount. As a result of that, Glitterati Nuffnangers will earn 20-40% more than ordinary bloggers who clutter their blogs with advertisements.
Payment Terms
Nuffnang pays its Glitterati members 30 days after every end of the month from their cashout request date. Upon then, the cheque will be compiled and sent to the bank for legal processing before delivered to your registered address. The processing and delivering by the bank will take about 2 weeks time.
On the other hand, it would take Nuffnang 60 days to process cashout payments for non-Glitterati members. In other words, Glitterati members would receive their earnings at a much shorter duration.
Advertorial Opportunities
Many bloggers know that while banner ad campaigns earn a decent stable income, it is advertorials that pay the most. Each advertorial depending on the advertiser, commitment and traffic, can earn a blogger a substantial amount. Not to mention that advertisers may have the occasional freebies as well!
In the past, advertorial opportunities were available for all our Nuffnangers. However, due to the high demand for advertorials and the need for us to narrow down which blogger of the thousands will get advertorials, only exclusive bloggers will now be eligible for advertorials.
Community Events
Nuffnang is known to organize some of the biggest community events, ranging from movie screenings, food reviews, media launches and many more exclusive events. As much as we’d like to extend our invitations for these events to all Nuffnangers, it is often difficult to accommodate everyone.
Therefore, Nuffnang would give its Glitterati members topmost priority when it comes to extending invitations to the aforementioned events.
Nuffnang has been hosting some of the most exciting contests and giveaways, where bloggers received prizes ranging from discount vouchers to product hampers, mobile phones to cameras, and even all-expense-paid overseas trips!
With the high demand for these contests, Nuffnang would give priority to Glitterati members before opening them up to non-Glitterati members.
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